The four goals of the woke left are always and forever the same:
Gain as much power as possible
Destabilize the system
Attack Capitalism
Usher in their Marxist Utopia
They literally do not believe they will be free under capitalism, which means revolution against it is the goal. This is a clip from the Socialism 2023 conference:
So, what does the Marxist Utopia look like after they overthrow capitalism?
Here’s an overview:
The #1 goal of the left is to abolish capitalism.
By abolishing capitalism, they believe they will create a society based on equity, which means that all disparities are eliminated and everyone has equal access to resources.
There will be no rich and no poor. Equity means that everyone has the same.
Equity means sameness.
When they say capitalism, they mean private property.
Private property means your house, because in their utopia, the state will own all of the property.
Private property means your business, because in their utopia, the means of production will be owned by the state.
They will have eliminated the profit motive because they blame the profit motive on why capitalism is oppressive. The profit motive means that some people will have more than others, which means there won’t be a society built on equity.
When they eliminate the profit motive, they believe that substantially less production will be required to accommodate the needs of society. So, for example, there won’t be 39 brands of deodorant to choose from anymore - that’s all excess based on the profit motive. Only one brand will be produced by the state. If you don’t like it, too bad.
Private property means your children. The far left believes that children should be able to make their own decisions and that it is their job to liberate them from the adult supremacy of their parents.

Want more? I’ll cover education, healthcare, gender and the future of the family, behind the paywall.