Over the past day, I've received hundreds of messages and comments from people asking how they can help, and I want you to know I have seen them and I really do appreciate them. What I'm experiencing is peak burn out - I've been pushed to a breaking point by the ongoing bullying and harassment. What I'm trying to do is take some time to heal and figure out how best to use my platform.
I just had a meeting with Joshua where we sorted through ideas (and he is quite convinced that I needed to reach this breaking point to fully utilize my creativity) and I am going to be sorting through them in my downtime. You all will be the first to hear of what's next.
But, in the meantime, here are ways that you can help and support me. If I have brought you value in the last two years, please consider doing at least one of these things:
1) Get your copy of Actively Unwoke (www.activelyunwoke.com for links to purchase) and share it with your friends and family who would value the content.
2) Leave a 5-star review for Actively Unwoke on Amazon, Good Reads, or wherever you bought it. I know I have a ton of people in this community who have purchased and read the book. However, there is a lack of reviews for the book on these platforms. If you value the work, please tell people you value it.
3) Leave a 5-star review for my Actively Unwoke podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/actively-unwoke-fighting-back-against-woke-insanity/id1620034190
4) Sponsor my content, or help me find sponsors: Finding more sustainable ways to generate income will be critical to me being able to return to this space. I will be doing something I haven't done before - I will be seeking people to sponsor my content, particularly my Actively Unwoke podcast. Right now I'm getting 300-600 per day on the podcast, which is a great start since I haven't even really been promoting it. I would like to find people who would like to support this content for a mention on the show. Please reach out, or have others who might be interested reach out, to [email protected] to discuss.
5) Report the accounts that have been causing this on Twitter for harassment, particularly the stalking account where they are continuing to whip up this horde. Here's a list, and you can go into their replies and see more if you want extra credit: https://twitter.com/DrKarlynB/status/1533454990622265344?s=20&t=LMsPJ3FrtYhSTRh436Lejw
6) Be patient. I am not abandoning this community. But the reality is that I am not in a place where I can spend 5-hours on a zoom call right now. The reality is I can barely get out of bed, that's how bad things are. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy, but I am asking for people who have found value in my work to be understanding regarding what is going on. I am trying my best to get back to form as quickly as possible.
People have been saying that, by taking a step back, I'm letting the bullies win. And believe me, they're celebrating this. They're celebrating that they have pushed me to this breaking point. It was their goal all along.
What I'm hopeful of is that I've given enough value to the people in this community that they will see fit to help when I need it. I understand if people are unwilling to do that, but that also leaves me questioning if I've created as much value as I believe I have. All of these things are pretty easy for anyone to do, and would be very helpful. I appreciate the support in advance.