Karlyn Borysenko
News • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
Proof they teach anti-racist math in elementary school
Thank you Cambridge Massachusetts School District, for this glorious, tax-payer funded, education.
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The other day, I discussed why paying attention to the professional development training teachers are getting is so important. When you know what professional development training they receive, you can predict what’s coming to your child’s classroom.

I showed you an actual schedule from one of the most woke teacher’s conferences I’ve ever seen.


Well, I have another example of why this is important.

I happen to have a copy of this slide deck from Cambridge, Massachusetts Public Schools, outlining the agenda for their Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

Presentations like this exist in almost every school district, and they are public information - you are entitled to see them.


In this slidedeck, there is a slide that tells us about some of the district’s professional learning opportunities for teachers.

And that’s where they tell us they are “disrupting racial inequity in elementary math classrooms.”

Why would teachers in Cambridge, Massachusetts need to take a lab in “Elementary Math Equity” as a part of their professional learning if they weren’t planning on implementing it in the classroom? Presumably, this is something the district has paid thousands of dollars for.


They were also kind enough to update us on their Community Pride Day.

Remember, I reported on this when it happened: They hired a drag queen, an adult industry "sexpert", a gender queer femme, and a Marxist revolutionary to teach middle school students:


Well, I have great news! Over 100 students in grades 6-12 attended (parents weren’t allowed to attend with them), and one 9th grader had a really great time! They’ve already scheduled this year’s event.


Want to see the full slide deck, and see what other crazy equity stuff is happening in Cambridge, Mass?

I’ll show you the highlights in the remainder of this premium article.

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In the latest episode of the @ActivelyUnwoke podcast, I explain why what you're seeing on college campuses is NOT an antisemitic uprising.

It's a MARXIST uprising.

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I'm trying to get 75 new paid supporters on my Substack this month to keep me on track to meet my annual goals. If you appreciate the work I'm doing, please support it: Subscribe to my Substack: https://karlyn.substack.com/subscribe

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SPY STREAM: Robin DiAngelo is BACK

This is today's SPY STREAM with Robin!


We have a very special occasion to finish off Karlyn's Month of Narcissism! A DOUBLE FEATURE! Join us this Sunday, 4/28/24 for DOUBLE the trivia, DOUBLE the music, and DOUBLE the fun! The Hunger Games 1 AND 2!!!

EARLY START TIME - 6p est! See you there, Karmrads!

Why college protestors are wearing masks

Are you confused about why college protestors are wearing masks?

The fact is that most leftist events require (or strongly recommend) mask-wearing.

And it may not be why you think.

I explain, in the latest post in my WOKE 101 series: https://karlyn.substack.com/p/woke-101-why-are-the-college-protestors

Note the similarities to encampments at other universities such as Columbia

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2024 Black Lives Matter In School Guide calls to abolish capitalism and the nuclear family
Let's see what your kids will learn in schools.

Did you think they stopped teaching Critical Race Theory in schools? Think again! Just today, Black Lives Mater at School released their 2024 manual for educators to help them integrate socialism into their curriculum.


How do we know it’s socialism? Because on page five of the manual, it flatly states that their work is grounded in “anticapitalist politics” alongside a bunch of other key socialist phrases, like neoliberalism (socialists hate neoliberals), revolutionary politics, abolitionist politics (that means getting rid of police and jails) and restorative justice.


And on page 9, they explicitly call for the disruption of the nuclear family for the purpose of “collectivizing care” and “radicalizing care” which means a world in which all healthcare is public and free, with no private doctors or insurance companies allowed.


Socialists believe one of the outcomes of abolishing the nuclear family will be equitable distribution of resources relating to care because, currently, individuals receive care based on the resources of their family, with some individuals having access to more resources than others.

And that’s not all. Want to see what else is in this manual?

I’ll break down the important parts and explain how they’re teaching socialism in the remainder of this premium article.

Become a premium subscriber to continue below the paywall to access the rest of this content. I’m 100% grassroots funded, so I’m only accountable to you. Thank you in advance for your help - I can’t do it without you.


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The Woke Mind: Who Is The Leader On The Left?
The answer is not what you think it is.

When I try to explain who is really pushing things like critical race theory and gender ideology into schools (the far-left revolutionary socialist activists) and that, no, it’s not George Soro or his son (they’re not part of the same groups), I’m immediately met with the following question from conservatives:

“Oh yeah???? Well, who is the leader on the left then, huh????”

They’re never satisfied with the answer that I give them.

However, after watching thousands of hours of woke left and socialist training videos, I know for sure that my answer is the correct one, no matter who likes it. If you aren’t honest about who you’re fighting, you can never defeat the enemy.

In this premium article, I’ll tell you who the leader on the left is, and explain the psychology behind why the left operates the way they do.

Become a premium subscriber to continue below the paywall to access the rest of this content. I’m 100% grassroots funded, so I’m only accountable to you. Thank you in advance for your help - I can’t do it without you.


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Woke 101: If the woke left wins, what does the Marxist Utopia look like?
This is where we're going if we don't stop the cultural revolution

The four goals of the woke left are always and forever the same:

  1. Gain as much power as possible

  2. Destabilize the system

  3. Attack Capitalism

  4. Usher in their Marxist Utopia

They literally do not believe they will be free under capitalism, which means revolution against it is the goal. This is a clip from the Socialism 2023 conference:

So, what does the Marxist Utopia look like after they overthrow capitalism?

Here’s an overview:

  • The #1 goal of the left is to abolish capitalism.

  • By abolishing capitalism, they believe they will create a society based on equity, which means that all disparities are eliminated and everyone has equal access to resources.

    • There will be no rich and no poor. Equity means that everyone has the same.

    • Equity means sameness.

  • When they say capitalism, they mean private property.

    • Private property means your house, because in their utopia, the state will own all of the property.

    • Private property means your business, because in their utopia, the means of production will be owned by the state.

      • They will have eliminated the profit motive because they blame the profit motive on why capitalism is oppressive. The profit motive means that some people will have more than others, which means there won’t be a society built on equity.

      • When they eliminate the profit motive, they believe that substantially less production will be required to accommodate the needs of society. So, for example, there won’t be 39 brands of deodorant to choose from anymore - that’s all excess based on the profit motive. Only one brand will be produced by the state. If you don’t like it, too bad.

    • Private property means your children. The far left believes that children should be able to make their own decisions and that it is their job to liberate them from the adult supremacy of their parents.


Want more? I’ll cover education, healthcare, gender and the future of the family, behind the paywall.


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